2020 Placer County Fair Cancelled

May 1, 2020 / Press Release

2020 Placer County Fair Cancelled

ROSEVILLE, CA – April 29, 2020 – After much consideration, we are deeply saddened to announce the cancellation of the 2020 Placer County Fair, which was scheduled for June 25-28. With the health of our community being of the utmost concern during this COVID-19 public health crisis, we felt such a gathering would not be prudent during this unprecedented time.

The decision to cancel the annual celebration, planned to be held @the Grounds in Roseville, was truly difficult to make and comes after weeks of weighing every option possible.
While we are disappointed this year’s fair will not be happening as originally planned, we are working with staff and volunteers to hold a virtual Junior Livestock Auction to support our youth in 4H and FFA.

We will be sharing updates regarding this alternative as information becomes available.

“The Placer County Fair has always been a showcase of what makes this a wonderful place to live and visit,” said @the Grounds CEO David Attaway. “When we decided upon this year’s theme of ‘The Sky’s the Limit,” it was meant to represent the feeling that anything is possible here in Placer County. What this pandemic has shown us, especially by those on the front lines and the collective effort by those who stayed at home, is that Placer County is a community which cares deeply. We know this spirit will guide us back to when we can gather together once again.”

We are so thankful for everyone who has put in so much of their time and hearts into the fair and look forward to welcoming you back on June 24-27 2021!

Media Contact

Dave Karnes

Marketing and Communication Specialist



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